For emergencies only, call 911. If you experience an outage due to the weather, please report it using one of the following methods: For Jersey Central Power and Light Company customers • Text OUT to 544487... • Online at • Use our smartphone app (iPhone and Android) • Via the "Report an Outage" tab on Facebook • Call 888-LIGHTSS (888-544-4877) Steer clear of downed power lines. Always assume they are live and dangerous. Report downed lines immediately to 888-544-4877. For Atlantic City Electric Customers: Customers are asked to report any outages and to stay away from any downed wires. To report outages and/or downed wires, call 1-800-833-7476, follow the prompts, and ask for a call back to confirm that power has been restored. Outages also may be reported through their mobile app or at Find additional information by visiting Follow them on Facebook and on Twitter. And, the mobile app is available at