Ocean County Government
Board of CommissionersDropdown arrow

List of Departments

Departments H
Health Department
175 Sunset Ave., PO Box 2191,
Toms River, N.J. 08754
Phone: (732) 341-9700 or 1-800-342-9738
Fax: (732) 831-6495
Email : info@oceancountyhealth.gov

History, County
Ocean County Historical Society
Jeffrey Schenker, President
26 Hadley Avenue, P.O. Box 2191
Toms River, N.J. 08754-2191
Phone: (732) 341-1880
Fax: (732) 341-4372
Email : oceancounty.history@verizon.net

Housing Advisory Committee
Anthony M. Agliata, Planning Director
Ocean County Department of Planning
129 Hooper Avenue, Toms River, N.J. 08754
Phone: (732) 929-2054
Fax: (732) 244-8396

Human Services
Tracy Maksel, PHD, Director
Jamie Busch, PHD, Assistant Director
1027 Hooper Ave., Bldg. #2
P. O. Box 2191, Toms River, N.J. 08754-2191
Phone: (732) 506-5374 toll free 1-800-544-7184
Fax: (732) 341-4539

Human Services Advisory Council
Rose Marie Bulbach, Coordinator
1027 Hooper Ave., Bldg. #2,
Toms River, N.J. 08754-2191
Phone: (732) 506-5374
Fax: (732) 341-4539

Homelessness Trust Fund Task Force
1027 Hooper Ave., Bldg. #2
Toms River, NJ 08754-2191
(732) 506-5374
Fax: (732) 341-4539