How to Compost
Composting is easy! Learn all the basics by following the steps in the guide below. Maximize the view by clicking on the image and following the arrows to go to the next page. Don't have time to read the full guide? Follow this steps to start composting at home1. Select a method (Indoor or Outdoor) 2. Select a bin (Tumbler, turning unit, enclosed unit, open unit or wormfarm)  3. Find a proper location for your bin  4. Supplies required: Compost Bin, Kitchen Scrap Container, Pitchfork + Optional (Thermometer, Wheelbarrow + Compost Screener)  5. Layer up materials: 1 layer of greens, 1 layer of browns. Use 2 times or more browns than greens, and make sure the last layer is brown (to avoid odors and critters)  6. Turn and Add water as needed. Then wait and harvest! It can take from 3 months to 2 years, start a new bin while waiting! If you turn the bin every other week the process will be quicker. Remember to let your compost cure for at least 2 weeks before using it.