Ocean County Government
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Department of Solid Waste Management

Other resources composting & gardening

The Composter’s Handbook is a comprehensive handbook that explores waste management and sustainability in Ocean County, this manual is used for our Master Composter Volunteer Training. It covers topics like solid waste management, recycling, composting, and soil science. The book also highlights Ocean County’s initiatives in managing waste effectively and emphasizes the importance of education and outreach. It serves as a valuable guide for individuals and communities seeking to make a positive impact on the environment and build a greener future for Ocean County.

If you want to learn more about Native Gardens, the Master Gardener Program, or the Soil District Conservation, visit our stakeholders websites:

Jersey Friendly Yards

Master Gardener Program

Soil Conservation District

Composting Services:
UnWaste Movement --- Residential & Commercial Organic Waste Pick-Up Program.

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