[04/14/20] 2020 Spring Household Hazardous Waste Program UPDATE

[04/14/20] UPDATE: In light of current events, and in line with the orders and guidance of the State of NJ, Ocean County shall be postponing the Household Hazardous Waste event scheduled for 3/29/20 @ Lakewood Township's DPW Complex as well as the Household Hazardous Waste Event scheduled for 5/9/20 @ Stafford Township's DPW Complex.
Details should follow regarding a potential make-up date; at this time, there's just no good way to reschedule. We'd like to eventually offer residents the option to roll their appointment window over to said make-up date, however circumstances may dictate a need to register anew.
Click Here to access the NEW online registration system.
Click Here to view the flyer (PDF).
Click Here for directions to all currently scheduled events (scroll to bottom).