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Department of Solid Waste Management

Food Waste

According to the USDA In the United States, food waste is estimated at between 30-40% of the food supply. 
Food Waste happens in many levels:


Currently, the EPA is aligning its waste reduction goals with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), also known as the Global Goals, a universal call to action to end poverty, protect the planet, and ensure that by 2030 all people enjoy peace and prosperity, adopted by 193 nations around the globe in 2015. The EPA set a U.S. 2030 Food Loss and Waste Reduction goal of 50% by 2030 (EPA, 2022).

Learn more about the Sustainable Development Goals
Sustainable Development Goal 12 Responsible Consumption and Production

Food waste impacts

Food that could have fed families in need is being thrown away and end up in landfills.
Resources used in food production, processing, transportation, preparation, storage, and disposal.
Water & land
Energy & Transportation

Food production requires so many resources such as water, soil (land), pesticides and fertilizers, food (animals), labor, equipment, fuels, and sometimes food packaging.

How much water does it take to grow your food?
Click here to visit the USGS website and find out

What happens to the food you throw in the garbage?

According to the USDA food is the single largest category of material in landfills. One of the biggest problems is that rotting food trapped without air emits methane, a powerful greenhouse gas. Methane is able to trap heat in the atmosphere, contributing to climate change.

What can you do to help?

Plan your meals
Buy only what you need.
Do not stock up on products that go bad quickly.
Look for inspiration online for recipes and note quantities.
Check your fridge and pantry before going shopping.
Find some recipes and inspiration Click here to visit the My Plate website from the USDA

Buy local and eat with the seasons
Support your local Farmers
Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) seasonal food directly from a farmer. Find a participating farm near you
Buy local seafood

Grow your own food
Plant an edible garden at home
Participate of a community garden

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