[03/30/23] Boat Flare Disposal Program - Sat. May 6th

We are pleased to announce our first Boat Flare Disposal Event; this pilot program represents a joint effort between Solid Waste Management, OC Fire Academy, and the OC Fire Marshals. The program was devised in response to public concerns over flares (typically, residents have been told to bring them to fire depts. or the Coast Guard; both options no longer accept or desire flares.) The event will take place on May 6th, 2023, from 9 AM-3 PM. at the Ocean County Training Center located at 200 Volunteer Way, Waretown, NJ Registrations are required.
Flares will be accepted from Ocean County Residents ONLY. Flares from marinas, businesses, etc., will not be accepted.
Acceptable Materials Include Red Hand-held, Parachute, Red Meteor, Orange Smoke Signals, and Floating Orange Smoke. Unacceptable Materials Include: Road Flares, Electronic Flares, Plastic Flare Launchers, and/or Other Explosives. Please register here Please register here