Ocean County Government
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Department of Solid Waste Management

Clean Communities Cleanups

cleanup cattus graphic

Help us keep Ocean County clean! A variety of volunteer opportunities are available whether you're a resident, business, civic association, school, or non-profit organization.

One Day Cleanup Event – Civic groups, volunteer organizations, churches and scout troops, as well as residents and businesses, are encouraged to participate in a joint effort to clean up our streets and public properties.

Adopt a Road, Park, or Beach Programs groups are required to clean sections of the adopted area, and all necessary equipment, such as grabbers, safety shirts, bags, and gloves, are provided. All groups are acknowledged with a road sign displaying their name.

Safety - Please review safety protocols before conducting any cleanup programs and encourage volunteers to watch the NJCCC safety video:

If you are interested on signing up for a one day cleanup or adopting a Road, Park, or Beach, please contact: cleancommunities@co.ocean.nj.us

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