Ocean County Government
Board of CommissionersDropdown arrow

Department of Solid Waste Management

Leaves & Brush

Ocean County Recycling Centers accept materials from residents and landscapers during regular business hours (7:30 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Monday through Saturday [Saturdays for residents only, not landscapers]).

Unbagged leaves.
Brush 4 inches in diameter or less.
Christmas trees

NOT ACCEPTED Green yard waste (grass clippings, weeds, vines, etc.), construction wood, and stumps. Please take them to a Class B Recycling Facility (PDF)

Northern Recycling Center 535 South Oberlin Avenue
Southern Recycling Center Located at 379 Haywood Road, Manahawkin, NJ 08050
Some municipalities offer collection or drop-off services for leaves and brush, contact your local DPW Contacts by Municipality

Free mulch, compost and woodchips

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